Supplementary English-Only Training Materials
Note: These materials are offered only in English as supplementary examples for a deeper dive into Fiery LLC products.

Filtering Print Modes in a Queue

A queue will display all the print modes for your printer, but you can configure filters on a queue so only a subset of print modes are displayed.

For example, if you have a printer that works on different substrates (for example, white shirts, color shirts, and black shirts) and want different queues to manage these (three queues), it is beneficial to only display relevant print modes in each queue.

You can set up a filter so in a white shirt queue only the white shirt print modes are displayed.

To set up a filter for print modes in a queue

  1. Select the queue you'd like to filter.
  2. Go to the Queue > Properties and in the General tab, click on the ellipsis (ellipsis) at the end of the print mode selection.
    The Print Mode Selection dialog appears.
  3. Select the ink set and media category applicable to your queue.
    For example, select Direct to Garment and White Shirts.
  4. Select the print mode you want as the queue default and click OK.
    Only filtered print modes are displayed in the queue.
  5. Repeat for each queue you would like filtered to display only applicable print modes.