Automatic Job Sorter

ajs-icon Tools > Display Automatic Job Sorter

The Automatic Job Sorter moves your files based on conditions set by you.

Recommended: Use specific and consistent naming conventions for processing rules.

Note: When closed, the Automatic Job Sorter stays running in the System Tray.


Using Actions

Job Header Files


Scan Barcode Click to scan a barcode using a barcode reader or enter the barcode manually.
Recherche Enter a search term to browse history logs.
Enable Advanced Search Click to enable a date range and drop-down to select a single rule's log.

Click properties to configure properties.

Automated rule check interval: Set how often you want the rules to run.

Purge logs after: Set the time to keep history logs.

Delay between file copying: Set a processing delay.

Barcode display result type: Select "All logs", "None", or "Results". This affects what is displayed after the barcode is scanned.

Process duplicate files (for automated rules): Select to ensure all files are processed, including duplicates.

Logs Click to display history logs.
Rules - Copy, Add, Delete

Click a rule to display the rule.

  • Click Copy to copy a selected rule.
  • Click Add to add a rule.
  • Click Delete to delete a rule.
  • Use the text field to update the name.

Note: When rules are active, a green dot is displayed.

Active Select to activate rule.
Purge processing history Click to remove history and allow a file that has been previously processed to be processed again.
  • Use the ellipsis button (...) to navigate to a folder.
  • Click Login Information to enter credentials to access the selected location.
    If using SFTP, enter the server host key fingerprint.
    Note: Connect to the SFTP server using an application such as WinSCP and go to Session > Server/Protocol Information, double-click the SHA-256 value and copy it into this field.
  • Click the X to delete a folder.
  • Select include subfolders to include all folders within the selected folder.
  • To add multiple folders, click the +.

"If" rules set conditions for sorting files.

Set conditions based on the following:

  • All Files: Select to move everything from the file location to a configured folder.
  • All of the following: Select to move files if all conditions are true.
    Note: If you select file extension, do not enter ".". For example, "png" is valid but ".png" is not.
  • Any of the following: Select to move files if individual conditions are true.

Add and delete conditions as needed.

Note: If PDF file splitting is selected, if the file does not need to be split, it is copied to the destination folder.


"Then" rules set actions for sorting files.

  • Move or copy files.
  • Use the ellipsis button (...) to navigate to a folder.
  • Click the X to delete a folder.
  • Select an option for existing files.
  • To add multiple folders, click the +.

Add and delete conditions as needed.