Supplementary English-Only Training Materials
Note: These materials are offered only in English as supplementary examples for a deeper dive into Fiery LLC products.

Job Header Files

Job header files are designed to work with hot folders and allow a job to be added to a queue and select options such as print mode, media size, and size and positioning on the page for automated work flows.

The file name of a Job Header file should match the job name and have the extension .jhdr.

For example:

  • My Artwork.tif % Job to be printed

  • My Artwork.jhdr % Job header file to set print mode and page set up

At the moment the Job Header file can do the following

  • Select a Print mode

  • Select a Media or Select a Template and slot

  • Specify a size to print the job at (can be disproportional)

  • Set and a Top and Left position

  • Setup a job as a copy group

  • Set a number of Page copies

  • Sets up tiling

Job Header File Format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


<PrintMode name="Default" />

<Media name="" />

<Template name="" slot="" />

<Size sizetype=”0” width="<pts>" height="<pts>" />

<Size sizetype=”1” width="<%>" height="<%>" />

<Offset x="<pts>" y="<pts>" />




<Rows type="int">6</Rows>

<Columns type="int">10</Columns>

<XSpacing type="double">pts</XSpacing>

<YSpacing type="double">pts</YSpacing>

<NumeratorWidth type="int">1</NumeratorWidth>

<DenominatorWidth type="int">3</DenominatorWidth>

<NumeratorLength type="int">1</NumeratorLength>

<DenominatorLength type="int">3</DenominatorLength>

<Style type="int">0</Style>



<TileSpacing type="int">0</TileSpacing>

<GridMode type="int">2</GridMode>

<OriginPos type="int">0</OriginPos>

<OverlapMode type="int">0</OverlapMode>

<PrintOverlapLines type="int">0</PrintOverlapLines>

<OverlapLinesColor_CS type="int">0</OverlapLinesColor_CS>

<OverlapLinesColor_CV type="int">0</OverlapLinesColor_CV>

<OverlapLinesColor_CN name="" />

<PlaceAlternated type="bool">0</PlaceAlternated>

<XSpacing type="double">18.000000</XSpacing>

<YSpacing type="double">18.000000</YSpacing>

<OrigScale type="double">1.000000</OrigScale>

<OrigRotate type="double">0.000000</OrigRotate>

<Rows type="int">1</Rows>

<Columns type="int">2</Columns>

<Width type="double">999.360008</Width>

<Height type="double">990.239983</Height>



Print Mode

<PrintMode name="Default" /> Selects the print mode to use for this job.

<PrintMode name="Black Speed" /> Selects the Black Speed print mode.

Media Selection

Note: When selecting a Fixed Sheet, Roll mode or Template, the queue needs to be pre-configured in the media setup correctly for that mode.For example, you cannot select a template for a job if the queue is in Roll mode or Fixed Sheet mode, it needs to already be in Template mode.

You should use either the Media name or the Template name depending on the Queue setting.


<Media name="" /> Selects the media size for Fixed Sheet or Roll mode.

<Media name="15x15 Sheet" /> Selects a fixed sheet size called 15x15 Sheet.


<Template name="" slot="" /> Selects the Template to use and optionally the Slot in the template

<Template name="15x15 Template" slot="" /> Would select the 15x15 template and add the job to slot 1

<Template name="4up" slot="3" /> Would select the 4up template and add the job to slot 3


Sizetype=”0” is fixed size

<Size sizetype=”0” width="<pts>" height="<pts>" /> Sets the size to print the job in points

(72 points = 1 inch)

<Size sizetype=”0” width="360" height="144" /> Would set the job to print 5x2 inches (it does not keep the aspect ratio, so you must calculate this from the original image size

Sizetype=”1” is percentage

<Size sizetype="1" width="0.500000" height="0.500000" /> Will scale the image to 50% of its original size X and Y

Note: sizetype= can be omitted and will default to 0, fixed size


<Offset x="<pts>" y="<pts>" /> Set the Top and Left margins

<Offset x="144" y="360" /> Would set the job to be positioned 2 inches from the left and 5 inches from the top.

  • If the page has margins then this is the distance from the margins (not the edge of the paper).

  • In order for the Offset to work correctly, in Queue Properties - Layout Manager make sure the position on page is set to Top Left.

  • The Size and Offset only work for Fixed page size and Roll mode, they do not have any effect on a Template.

Page Copies


Sets the number of page copies, if multiple jobs are added to the same page then it uses the last jobheader file that specified PageCopies.



Sets the number of Copies, this works differently depending on the media setup.

In Roll & Fixed sheet, it sets up a copy group

In a Template this will be duplicates (same as selecting copies in the template import UI)


<Rows type="int">6</Rows>

<Columns type="int">10</Columns>

<XSpacing type="double">18.000000</XSpacing>

<YSpacing type="double">18.000000</YSpacing>

<NumeratorWidth type="int">1</NumeratorWidth>

<DenominatorWidth type="int">3</DenominatorWidth>

<NumeratorLength type="int">1</NumeratorLength>

<DenominatorLength type="int">3</DenominatorLength>

<Style type="int">0</Style>


<Rows type="int">6</Rows> Number of Rows

<Columns type="int">10</Columns> Number of Columns

<XSpacing type="double">18.000000</XSpacing> X spacing in points

<YSpacing type="double">18.000000</YSpacing> Y Spacing in points

<NumeratorWidth type="int">1</NumeratorWidth> X fraction row offset

<DenominatorWidth type="int">3</DenominatorWidth> X fraction row offset

<NumeratorLength type="int">1</NumeratorLength> Y fraction row offset

<DenominatorLength type="int">3</DenominatorLength> Y fraction row offset

<Style type="int">0</Style> Copy group style

0 = No Offsets

1 = Continuous Row offset

2 = Alternate Row offset

3 = Continuous Column offset

4 = Alternate Column offset

Note: When using Job Header files with a hot folder, always move the .jhdr file into the hot folder first and then move the graphics this was you ensure that the .jhdr and job get read together.If you copy the two files at the same time, its possible the graphics will appear first and the queue will import it without the job header file settings.



<TileSpacing type="int">0</TileSpacing>

<GridMode type="int">2</GridMode>

<OriginPos type="int">0</OriginPos>

<OverlapMode type="int">0</OverlapMode>

<PrintOverlapLines type="int">0</PrintOverlapLines>

<OverlapLinesColor_CS type="int">0</OverlapLinesColor_CS>

<OverlapLinesColor_CV type="int">0</OverlapLinesColor_CV>

<OverlapLinesColor_CN name="" />

<PlaceAlternated type="bool">0</PlaceAlternated>

<XSpacing type="double">18.000000</XSpacing>

<YSpacing type="double">18.000000</YSpacing>

<OrigScale type="double">1.000000</OrigScale>

<OrigRotate type="double">0.000000</OrigRotate>

<Rows type="int">2</Rows>

<Columns type="int">2</Columns>

<Width type="double">999.360008</Width>

<Height type="double">990.239983</Height>


<Rows type="int">2</Rows> Number of Rows

<Columns type="int">2</Columns> Number of Columns

See also: Using Actions