Machine Settings dialog
Go to Engrave > Engraving Defaults > click Setup > Engraver Options tab > click Machine Settings.
Machine Settings
Default PWM frequency (Hz): Default operating laser frequency.
Lower PWM frequency (Hz): Default pre-heat laser frequency.
Lower PWM power (%): Default pre-heat laser power.
Chiller: Select to only enable laser operation when the water chiller is on.
Motion Card Settings
Laser power mode: Set the power mode of the laser controller.
Limit switch: Specifies if the initial state of the limit switches are open (low; motor is turned off when the switch closes) or closed (high; motor is turned off when the switch opens).
IO-Switch: Initial state of the IO switch is open (low) or closed (high).
Maximum power: Set maximum power (%).
XY-Axis Settings
X-Axis table limit: The size of the table on the x-axis in mm.
X-Axis homing direction: Positive (away from you if standing in front of the machine) or negative (towards you if standing in front of the machine).
Y-Axis table limit: The size of the table on the y-axis in mm.
Y-Axis homing direction: Positive (to the right if standing in front of the machine) or negative (to the left if standing in front of the machine).
Auto homing: Enabling moves the laser head to home position on start up.
Start speed: The speed to which the laser head immediately accelerates in mm/s.
Homing speed: The speed at which the laser head moves to home position.
Acceleration: Acceleration from start speed to operating speed.
Second space acceleration: Negative acceleration from operating speed to stop.
Quick speed: The highest speed of the laser head when the laser is off.
X-Axis offset: The offset of the laser head after it homes all the way to zero (the distance from 0 after homing).
Y-Axis offset: The offset of the laser head after it homes all the way to zero (the distance from 0 after homing).
Manual move start speed: The speed to which the laser head immediately accelerates in mm/s when using arrows to move head.
Frame test speed fast: The test speed of the laser head in mm/s if it has been homed.
Frame test speed slow: The test speed of the laser head in mm/s if it has not been homed.
Z-Axis Settings
Z-Axis stroke: The travel limit on the z-axis in mm.
Z-Axis direction: Positive (up) or negative (down).
Z-Axis start speed: The speed to which the table immediately accelerates in mm/s.
Z-Axis homing speed: The speed at which the table moves to home position.
Z-Axis acceleration: Acceleration of the Z-axis from start speed to operating speed.
Second work acceleration: Negative acceleration from operating speed to stop.
Z-Axis test speed (fast): The test speed of the table in mm/s if it has been homed.
Z-Axis auto focus offset: The offset of the laser head to the material after it engages the auto focus switch (the distance from the switch after homing).