Backing Up Files

In case of a requirement to reinstall or copy over settings, Fiery LLC recommends backing up your configured parameters.

To back up your .ini and .xml file:

  1. Go to Engrave > Engraving Defaults.
  2. Remember the Selected driver.
  3. In the program install directory, find that driver's .ini file (usually named an approximation or part of the driver name) and open it using Notepad or Notepad ++.
    Hint: To quickly open a file in Notepad, navigate to Engrave > Engraving Defaults and click Setup. In the Setup dialog, click to select the driver, then press Alt+E.
  4. Search for "XMLColorData" and remember the name of the .xml file in this line.
    For example: XMLColorData=lpwr150.xml
  5. In the program install directory, find the .xml file and the .ini file.
  6. Save them to a new directory.
    Repeat as necessary with each device.

To use these files with another instance of the same Fiery LLC program, copy them into the install directory.

bonus-doc Backing Up Files