Vendor Settings dialog

Vaya a Grabar > Predeterminados del grabado > Configurar > pestaña Opciones de la grabadora > Configuración de la máquina.

Vendor Settings

Machine Type

Select a machine type.

Note: Recommended setting is Normal.

Transmission Mode

Seleccione un tipo de corte.

Feed Mode Select a direction.
Broken Delay In case of an interruption, set to allow adjustment time for the controller position to minimize gaps.
Z Function  
Enable Protection Enable to prevent machine operation when the lid is open.
Enable Blower  
Head Distance In a dual-headed machine, the distance between heads.

Laser Settings

Laser Configuration Select the number of lasers.
Laser Mode Select the tube type.
Laser Attenuation As the power increases from zero, set to move the head more slowly.
Show laser supply info  
Laser 1, 2  
Min Power (%)  
Max Power (%)  
Laser Frequency (KHz)

The frequency for the tube.

PreIgnition Frequency Hz) For RF tubes with pre-ignition.
PreIgnition Pulse (%) For RF tubes with pre-ignition.
Signal Level For glass tubes set input level.
Water Protection Select if using a water flow sensor.

Configuración de la tarjeta de control de movimiento

X, Y, Z, U Select axis.
Direction Polarity Based on machine origin, set for direction of movement.
Limiter Polarity

Set according to the limit switch direction when triggered

  • low = negative
  • high = positive
Breadth Total area of movement.
Home Offset The distance between the limit switch and 0.
Control Mode Set according to motor drivers.
Enable Limit Trigger Enable limit switch protection.
PWM Rising Edge Valid Set based on the effective edge of the motor driver pulse.
Auto Homing Enabling moves the laser head to home position on start up.
Jump-off Speed The initial speed of the head on the axis.
Max Speed  
Step Length

To ensure the scale is correct, set the size of each step.

For example, a 1" square comes out as a 1" square.

Note: The recommendation is to do an initial test with a set size and compare the output, then adjust if necessary.

Max Acc Set maximum acceleration rate.
Estop Acc If the emergency stop is triggered, set the acceleration rate.
Jump-off Speed The initial speed of the head on the axis when operated from the control panel.
Accel Acceleration from start speed to operating speed when operated from the control panel.
Invertir selección Select to reverse the movement of the axis when the LCD key is pressed on the control panel.