Queue Menu

The following items are located under the Queue menu.

Manage queues: Opens the Queue Manager dialog (see Queue Manager dialog).

Save Queue Settings: Save the current queue configuration as a file in a chosen directory.

Load Queue Settings: Load a previously saved queue configuration file.

Start: Start the queue.

Stop: Stop the queue.

Start cut spooler: Start the cut spooler.

Stop cut spooler: Stop the cut spooler.

Clear job errors: Clear error for the selected job.

Ink density test page: Opens the Ink Density Test Page dialog. Click to print a test page (with low or high ink level).

Set ink order: Opens the Set Ink Order dialog. Re-order cartridges, and save, use, and delete configurations. (Applicable to Epson DTF v2 drivers.)

Create Gang Sheet: Opens the Create Gang Sheet dialoge window. This feature provides the ability to quickly import files into a single job group. See Gang Sheets for additional information.

Set maximum white ink: Opens the Set Maximum White Ink dialog.

  1. Select a page size, graphic, and print size, then click Next.
  2. Set the max white ink chart settings, and the preferred white ink percentage.
    Note: You can print an ink chart.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select where you want your changes applied, then click Finish.
    The print mode appears in the drop-down list on the Queue tab.

Setup black removal: Opens the Setup Black Removal dialog.

  1. Select a page size, graphic, and print size, then click Next.
  2. Set the KnockMeBlackOut settings, and the preferred value.
    Note: You can print an ink chart.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Set the white ink levels, then click Next.
  5. Select where you want your changes applied, then click Finish.
    The print mode appears in the drop-down list on the Queue tab.

Setup how much white to use under black: Opens the Set How Much White to Use Under Black dialog.

  1. Select a page size, graphic, and print size, then click Next.
  2. Set the underbase strength settings, and the preferred value.
    Note: You can print an ink chart.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Set the white ink levels, then click Next.
  5. Select where you want your changes applied, then click Finish.
    The print mode appears in the drop-down list on the Queue tab.

Set white choke: Opens the Set White Choke dialog.

  1. Select a page size, graphic, and print size, then click Next.
  2. Set the choke settings, and the preferred value.
    Note: You can print a choke chart.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select where you want your changes applied, then click Finish.
    The print mode appears in the drop-down list on the Queue tab.

Setup color boost: Opens the Setup Color Boost dialog.

  1. Select a page size, graphic, and print size, then click Next.
  2. Set the color boost settings, and the preferred value.
    Note: You can print a color boost chart.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select where you want your changes applied, then click Finish.
    The print mode appears in the drop-down list on the Queue tab.

Setup photo merge: Opens the Setup Merge for Photo Rendering dialog.

  1. Select a page size, graphic, and print size, then click Next.
  2. Set the photo merge settings, and the preferred value.
    Note: You can print a photo merge chart.
  3. Click Finish.
    Note: If you are not currently on a photo queue, the queue properties will change the rendering intent to Photo.

Import Queue Background Image: Import any file to set as a queue background image in the preview area.
Note: This feature is used to preview jobs on any background. To see the substrate color preview accurately, use a PNG or other file type with alpha transparency.

Queue Background Images

Export Queue Background Image: If you've set a queue background image from the camera, you can export it to help with design.

For example, with a calibrated camera and media, take a picture to set the queue background image. Once exported, you can design around the substrate features (such as pockets) and import the new image as a queue background image (without moving the camera or switching media). Then place your output and align it on the preview, and print.

Queue Background Images

Remove Queue Background Image: Click to delete any queue background image.

Queue Background Images

Set Closed Page as Queue Background Image:

  1. Add a job to the queue. Right-click the job in the preview and click Close Page.
  2. Select the job, and go to Queue > Set Closed Page as Queue Background.
    The Queue Background Image is updated.

Queue Background Images

Properties: Opens the Queue Properties dialog.