Supplementary English-Only Training Materials
Note: These materials are offered only in English as supplementary examples for a deeper dive into Fiery LLC products.

Job Color Replacement using Manage Device Spots

Using SignLab v10 and VPM v5.

  1. Create an object in Signlab.
  2. Apply a color to the object and edit to make a Spot color with a desired name, then click Add.
  3. Launch Visual Production Manager and, on the correct queue, go to Devices > Manage Device Spots.
  4. Enter the name you created for the spot color in Signlab.
  5. Enter the CMYK values for the color you created in Signlab.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In Signlab, select the object created with the spot color you named and go to File > Print and Cut > OK.
    The job is sent to VPM and the CMYK values entered for the spot color name will be used for the print.