Layer Tab

The Layer tab(s) contain configuration settings for each layer of the selected device queue. Each layer represents a distinct pass of the print head over the substrate (for example, an underbase usually defines how much white is printed and a color layer defines how the colors are printed over the underbase). The advantages of multiple layers include the ability to configure each pass, resolution can be set (i.e., low resolution for underbase) to expedite work flow, and single colors can be used as single layers so troubleshooting is easier.

To add or delete a layer, click the plus or minus buttons next to the queue name.

It is important to ensure your color layers are in the correct printing order. In the Queue Properties dialog, the layer shown at the top is the first one printed (the underbase layer).

To move layers up and down, click the arrows next to the queue name.

The following options are available by enabling advanced settings and options:

  • CMYK Color Adjustments
  • Separation Curves
  • Max Ink
  • Variable Dot Setup
  • increased amount of options on the Printer Options tab of the Queue Properties dialog

Go to Tools > Options, in the General tab, select Show advanced settings and options, then click Save and Close.


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Layer tab

Layer Profile

Based on print mode Select a print mode based on search settings.

Select to enable a color plane on this layer, the flood, set a choke value using the arrows, and set a synonym for the color plane name.

Use X Shift (horizontal) and Y Shift (vertical) to fix plane alignment issues on 8-bit devices (per pixel).

Note: This choke setting is used when underbase white is created in the design application. If underbase white is generated automatically in the queue, use the Processing Options tab.

Note: If choke is set both here and in the Halftones tab, and the Halftones tab setting overrides this tab setting.

White Ink Only Print Modes

Exclude from preview Select to exclude this layer from the preview.
Use multipage document as layers

Select to use documents with more than one page as layers. Select a page number.

Note: You cannot mix pages when some have underbase data and others do not. If the underbase data on the layers is mixed (for example, a custom white channel), proceed as follows:

  • All pages must have underbase data (and use a print mode that does not generate the underbase in Processing Options)
  • None of the pages must have underbase data (and the print mode generates one as per the Processing Options)
  • Multi-page Documents

Select an option for the layer:

  • No mirror
  • Mirror horizontally
  • Mirror vertically

Note: If you have set rotation on import, the output will first rotate and then mirror (useful for double-sided signs, printed using layers).

Flood level Use the slider or arrows to adjust the flood level of the selected channel(s) (the base coat to paint the sheet).
Layer Passes Set number of times to repeat this layer.
Auto pause time Use the arrows to set an automatic pause (in seconds) between processing each layer.
Prompt for pause Select to prompt for the pause between layers.
Toggle port Close the port and reopen it between layers.
Scale X, Scale Y

Select amount of scaling on X, Y planes.

Note: If scaling is used with copy groups, gaps will appear. For best seamless results, scale to 100% and use hardware options.

Processing Options
White and color options
White underbase / Highlight options

Choose from the following:

  • None
  • Underbase - this creates an underbase for the entire bounding box
  • Highlight - similar to underbase, this adds white under the job, but only to where white data already exists within the job
  • Underbase and Highlight - this creates a single-pass highlight and underbase by distributing the white ink. An example would be 80% white ink underbase, adding 100% white under any white data
  • Coverage underbase - this creates an underbase only where it is needed
    • White is distributed based on the grayscale values of the image. Darker values result in less white ink.

Note: Depending on the layer options chosen, values below may not be available.

Tips for OKI WT Lasers

White Ink Only Print Modes

Underbase strength (white under black)

Underbase Strength and Manual Curve

Maximum ink % (white ink strength)

Choke the underbase (stop white underbase peeking out)

If white is generated automatically, use the choke value in this tab. If white is generated in the graphic, use the choke in the Layer Profile tab.

Highlight white Set a highlight white ink percentage (on the same layer) to apply a different ink volume to the underbase and highlight.
Treat all semi-transparent as opaque
CMYK color adjustments

Use the following options:

  • Use KnockMeBlackOut: When printing garments, use this filter to remove unnecessary black ink on a black garment.
  • Clean black: Turns areas close to black to black. Apply this before KnockMeBlackOut to remove more area.
  • Color boost blend: Increases the amount of color ink printed for vibrancy.
    Note: Only applicable with Flatten selected.
  • Color boost graphics: Increases the amount of color ink printed for vibrancy. Positive values are lighter and negative values are darker due to gamma correction.
    Note: Only applicable with Flatten selected.
  • Use KnockMeWhiteOut: When printing garments, use this filter to remove unnecessary white ink on a white garment.
  • Flatten: Recommended for bitmaps with transparency, flattens color data according to transparency information.
Clear and Other Spot Options
Other Spot Options (based on alpha channel)

Use the following options:

  • None
  • Apply: Set the maximum ink, choke, whether to invert the alpha layer color, and whether to treat all semi-transparent color as opaque.


Clear options

Printer Options

Reset to print mode Reset values to correspond with print mode values.

Find the option and use the drop-down list in the Value column to make changes.

Note: Options vary by device.

CMYK Color Adjustments

Input data

Select a color value in the drop-down list below the graph, then select one of the options:

  • By levels
    • Use the sliders to adjust values.
  • By density
    • Use the arrows to adjust values or manually adjust using the graph (click and drag to adjust).
    • Click Calculate Density to view calculations by density or percentage.
      • Enable Extended densities for more detailed control over the transfer curve.
Use same curve for all Select to enable same curve for all color values. When enabled, color selection drop-down is disabled.
Reset to print mode Reset values to correspond with print mode values.
Reset to defaults

Resetting a Queue to Defaults

Separation Curves

Colors, Channels Select a value and use the arrows to adjust values or manually adjust using the graph (click and drag to adjust).
Keep 0%=0% Select to enable 0% always equaling 0%.
Reset to line
Reset to print mode Click to reset values to print mode values.
Save curve data
Load curve data

Max Ink

Maximum ink level
Start ink reduction from
Hard cap beyond

ICC Profile

Disabled ICC Profiles Disables ICC profiles. Toggling this on also locks out all other settings under the ICC Profile tab.
Override input profile

Select to override input profile. If selected, use the drop-down list to select a profile set to use.

  • Original: Reset any changes to the input profiles.
  • Enhanced: Use (missing or bad snippet)'s enhanced input profiles (recommended).
  • Get from print mode: Use the input profiles indicated in the print mode.
  • Custom: Choose the individual input profiles.
Vector input profiles All six of these profiles form a profile set (a grouping of input profiles). Three are vector (RGB, LAB, CMYK) and three are bitmap (RGB, LAB, CMYK). To use different input profiles for bitmaps, select Image input profiles.
Image input profiles

Click the drop-down arrow to display the Rendering dialog.

  • Select the first and second rendering intent using the drop-down lists.
  • Use the slider or arrows to set the merge (blending between rendering intents) and chroma (to make colors look stronger or weaker).
  • Select exceptions (when selected, the activity of the rendering intent is blocked for that aspect), and use the slider or arrows to set the range (the tolerance within which an input color value qualifies for a given exception; increasing the tolerance causes more colors to be affected by exceptions).

The rendering intent determines how these colors are mapped from the input profile to the output profile.

Rendering Intents

Rendering Dialog

Override output profile

Select to override output profile. If selected, use the ellipsis button to select a profile set to use. The ICM Source Selector dialog appears.

  • Click to select from printer profiles, Windows defined profiles, or to browse from current location.

Click the arrow drop-down to launch the Device Link dialog. Use the ellipsis button to open the ICM Source Selector to make selections.

  • To remove a selection, click the X.
Override Select to override. If selected, the options below are available.
Apply ICC to grayscales
Spot color matching Select to enable spot color matching. If the graphic contains spot colors and the colors are not correct, try disabling this option.


Enable halftoning

For each ink, set the frequency (measured in LPI; the resolution of the dot shape), angle (to ensure consistency in production), and shape for each ink (depending on the detail desired).

Set the choke, increase the value. To set the spread, decrease the value.

Remove plates

Click to view jitter factor vs. halftone level graph. Modify halftone screens to improve print quality by clicking and dragging to adjust. Jitter introduces miniscule distortions to the dot shape making the overall pattern within the dots less discernible.

Save and Load a preset as a .jitt,

Halftone Level: The increasing size of a halftone cell, from 0% tint (empty) to 100% tint (completely filled in cell).

Jitter Factor: The amount of randomness applied within any given range of the Halftone Level. By default, there is zero jitter.

To distort a pattern, select a suitable range and increase the jitter for that range. Increasing above 1.0 can cause the halftone to lose structure.


  • Highlights (0-10%)
  • Midtones (10-90%)
  • Shadows (90-100%)
Enable application halftoning Select to enable halftone information set in the design application.
Enable application spot function Select to enable the dot shape set in the design application.
Use super cell

Group four normal halftone cells into one, increasing the number of gray levels without increasing the frequency of the halftone.

Variable Dot Setup

Enable variable dot profiling

Select to enable variable dot profiling. When disabled, ink output volume increases.

Note: If halftones are enabled or disabled, this feature interacts differently. Variable Dot Setup is device dependent.

The Ink Setup value on the Printer Options tab directly correlates with these settings.

With laser printers, the dot size and hole size are adjustable. For more information, see Color Adjust.

Enabled Advanced Screening to ensure channel information is separated to unique areas when placing dots (so no information is lost or covered by dots of other channels).

Colors Select a value from the drop-down list and a percentage of use.
Presets In Print Mode Properties, use the drop-down to select a pre-designed Tri-Zone screening.

Note: Only available when Print Mode Creation enabled.

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