
The InstantReplay dialog lists the operations applied to the selected shape. Use InstantReplay to edit, copy, or remove the operations that have been applied to a shape. The history is kept in the Storage Bin.

To enable or disable InstantReplay, go to Options > Use InstantReplay.

To see InstantReplay and the Storage Bin, go to View > Show InstantReplay and Show Storage Bin.

Using InstantReplay

InstantReplay uses drag-and-drop functionality for ordering operations and applying operations to objects (from the Operations section or the Storage Bin). The Original section shows original objects created, Intermediate refers to objects that can be accessed but are not visible, and Screen refers to objects currently on the screen.

copy to clipboard Copy to clipboard (stored in the Storage Bin)

paste from clipboard Paste from clipboard (from the Storage Bin)

show clipboard Show clipboard (show Storage Bin)

simplify Simplify (incorporates all actions into object and erases operation history)

edit Edit (edit selected object)

Voir zone de stockage

The Storage Bin shows operations copied to the clipboard.

Using the Storage Bin

open file Open file (open stored operations)

save file Save file (save operations)

copy to clipboard Copy to clipboard (stored in the Storage Bin)

paste from clipboard Paste from clipboard (from the Storage Bin)

clear clipboard Clear clipboard (delete the contents of the clipboard)

combine operations Combine operations (combine multiple operations into one)