Clip Using Slot Cut Pattern

You can use an existing path (HPGL .plt files) as a clipping path for a template.

For example, clipping can create a fixed path for a shoe print.


  • Slot must have cut path assigned
  • Job may be clipped once
  • Slot ID cannot be repeated for multiple slots

To create a clipping path:

  1. Create clipping paths using SignLab, Illustrator, or CorelDraw.
    Note: Scale the path size in the design application before exporting.
  2. Export the paths (HPGL .plt files) and save them in the following folder: C:\Program Name\cutpatterns.
    For example: With the shoe template, you could name the clipping path "BlueShoePath_sizeX.plt".

Set up a template:

  1. Select a queue.
  2. On the Queue tab, select the Template drop-down and click the ellipsis button to edit or click Add New Media.
  3. Create or modify a template and add a custom cut pattern.
    For example: With the shoe template, you could name the template "Blue Shoe size X".
  4. Set the scaling and rotation.
    Note: The path is centered in the slot.
  5. Ensure you position the slot for the clipping path using the size and position fields.
  6. When finished, click Save.
  • For more information, see Template Setup dialog.
  • To clip a job:

    Note: To clip on import, go to Queue > Properties > PDF Setup.

    1. Ensure the template media you created is selected in the Queue tab.
      The clipping path should show in the preview.
    2. Add a job to the same queue.
      The Import Template Job dialog appears.
    3. Make an import selection.
    4. Adjust the size and position of the graphic.
      Note: Ensure you are done editing prior to clipping.
    5. Right-click the job in the preview and select Clip Using Slot Cut Pattern or select the job and go to Jobs > Clip Using Slot Cut Pattern.
      The job is clipped to the slot cut pattern.
    6. Click Print.